Dr. Higgins’ Surgical Outcomes Report: 2016
Larry Higgins, M.D.
This data represents the surgical complications and accounting for Dr. Higgins during the year of 2016.
Physician Overview for the Year 2016
- Dr. Higgins performed 448 surgeries throughout the year 2016.
- Of the 448 operations, 76 were revisions and 372 were primary surgeries.
Dr. Higgins’ 2016 surgeries are organized by type below:

2016 Surgical Outcomes Report: Complications
Reported below are all of Dr. Higgins’ discovered complications during the 2016 calendar year. Of the 448 surgeries Dr. Higgins performed, 4 patients (0.9%) were found to have experienced a complication. Please see the data depicted below.
Complication Details by Type
In the spirit of transparency and accountability, BSI is moving to provide the most detail possible for each complication. This unique feature enables patients to be fully informed. Each of Dr. Higgins’ 2016 complications is detailed below, along with whether it is resolved or ongoing. Wherever possible, the patient’s level of satisfaction with their shoulder is included. The complications are itemized by type.