Shoulder Replacement
Total Shoulder Replacement Post-Operative Protocol
“Patient of Dr. Jon Warner with Appreciation.” – R.P. [Head of the Charles Regatta 2018 following a right shoulder replacement in 2006 and left shoulder replacement in 2010].
“I need to sincerely express my appreciation to you and your team for doing the best job you could have done! I still cannot believe that I’m pain free and able to surf as much as I want and manage doing everything in my life that was not possible prior to your surgery! I have been able to do a lot of different things with my new wing. I attached a picture of me hunting wild boar here in Hawaii. We pack the pigs out of the mountain and I can carry the pigs on my back/shoulders no problem! You put my shoulder back to the best state that I could have only imagined!
Thank you so much Dr. Warner! From my family and I we want to send you a giant Aloha!”
– E.G. (Age 38, 2 years after hemiarthroplasty – no pain and full activity)
– C.W. (52 year old man, 3 years post-hemiarthroplasty for proximal humerus fracture malunion with avascular necrosis)
P.V. (Left Prostalac for infected TSA, Right TSA for arthritis, Former professional football player and now plays golf with no pain)

"I just spent the last 2 months working for a heli-ski company in Alaska and my physical therapist was thrilled with my progress upon my return. No, it's not a "normal" shoulder, but I'm SO HAPPY with the functional abilities I now have. I still have more strengthening and "learning" to do, but I was skiing, ice climbing, paddling a little, doing more advanced yoga and feeling great! I attached a picture of me on top of a mountain in the Chugach of Alaska, my right arm may not be quite as high as my left, but not bad! Thanks for such great work!"

"I wanted to thank you for helping me with my shoulder- even though it isn't as good as it was before I injured it, it is sure better than it was before you performed surgery on it. I have just minimal pain now and I am gaining strength in my arm every day. I thought I'd show you a picture taken of me last weekend in Craig, CO- it shows how I have been able to return to my normal activities since the surgery. This is something I could not do before my surgery because I didn't have strength in my right arm and the pain and instability of my shoulder joint was too great. So thanks very much again! I will make an appointment to see you this fall when I come out to visit my family in Maine."

"I had both my shoulders replaced when I was only 48 years old. Now it’s been 7 years since my surgery and I have no pain and remain very active. Thank you so much"

"I have no pain in my shoulder more eight years after my replacement. One year after I had the surgery I won a National Championship in my age category in Dressage"

"I can do everything I need to around my home now that I have a new shoulder."

"Thank you for everything."

"Here I am in Florida one year after my shoulder replacement. Thanks."

"I had both my shoulders replaced seven years ago. As you can see I am not slowing down"

"I’m back on the court a year later. This is great."

"Thank you for getting me back on my boat. It aches a bit but is overall much better. I'm back making a living."

"Here's a shot of me kayaking with the harbor seals in Nauset Marsh on the Cape, 5 months following shoulder replacement surgery.
I'm also back to biking and tennis. Very pleased with the results and maintaining P.T. faithfully. Not bad for 71!"

"I recently returned from two weeks of climbing with my son in the Alps. We made eight summits, including two over 4,000 meters. We also did a demanding multi-pitch rock climb.
I wanted to let you know that during all this climbing, I didn't have the slightest problem with either shoulder. I didn't even know they were there. Before my surgeries, it would have been impossible."

"Thank you again for doing my total shoulder replacement surgery -- such a 110% success!"

It's B.G., you did a complete shoulder replacement on my left shoulder Feb 6, 2017. You had asked me to send you a picture of me dressed in my gear once I got back to diving. See attachment for pic. I am obviously the old guy in the middle. Sorry the pic is not that great. It is only a head shot, but you can see I am dressed in SCUBA gear.
