Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement
Information about Reverse Shoulder Replacements
Reverse Shoulder Replacement: Our Experience
Post-Operative Information:
- Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement
- Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement with Latissimus Dorsi Transfer
L.B. (78 year-old female). The video below shows her activity 6 months after reverse shoulder replacement for the left shoulder.
Quote: “I started swimming and exercising in the pool 5 weeks after the surgery. At about 2 months, I began doing a lap or two with the side stroke. I began doing the crawl and backstroke 4 months after the surgery. In addition, I do the side stroke on each side. I do each of these 4 strokes for 50 feet, then I repeat the series 4 times, swimming a total of 1,000 feet. At first I went slowly and it was tiring. Now I do it with ease! I feel that swimming has been very beneficial and enabled me to successfully heal and regain my strength. To a great extent my success in healing and getting back to normal is due to the help of my physical therapist. She has carefully guided me and given me appropriate exercises each session we have. Additionally, it’s due to my effort to do all the exercises each session we have. Although I still do have a small amount of pain some of the time, it’s truly slight. I’m living a totally normal life again. The surgery and my recovery are, in my mind, a great success! My thanks to you and your team for performing such a successful surgery.”
J.S. (73 year-old man) 1 year after revision to reverse total shoulder replacement with iliac crest bone grafting. The video below shows his activity after 1 year of operation.
B.S. (70 year-old woman 6 months after reverse total shoulder replacement for right shoulder). In the video below, she describes her experience recovering from the operation and starting to play her instruments again.
W.C. (78 year old man 2 years after reverse total shoulder replacement for right shoulder) – Now feels his shoulder is 99% of normal
D.W. (Golfing after reverse total shoulder replacement)
“Not pretty, but able to play!” -J.H. (10 months after reverse total shoulder replacement)
54 Year old woman with irreparable rotator cuff tear and pseudo-paralysis
6 Years after her reverse prosthesis and tendon transfer operation
“I feel no pain and through exercise and light weight training my shoulder continues to strengthen. Please accept my sincere thanks for all that you have done.”
– A.L (76 year old man with massive irreparable rotator cuff tear and failed prior rotator cuff repair surgery, now one year following reverse prosthesis)

"I couldn't have lifted these fish with my left shoulder before the shoulder replacement. I'm also playing tennis again (doubles) so my two goals for sports have been met and the most important one, being able to pick up my Granddaughter, has also been met. I cannot thank you enough for your skill and care! I feel great (no pain and good range of motion)."

"Three years ago I had a reverse shoulder surgery performed by you and your team. It was a revision of a total shoulder replacement due to avascular necrosis secondary to steroid treatment for Crohn’s, and a severely damaged rotator cuff. Your surgery was a complete success. I am happy to report that I have no pain, much more range of motion then we ever expected and no issues with strength. As a matter of fact I have since become a certified Zumba instruction which involves intense arm and shoulder movement, and I have been “Top Rod” two years running fly fishing at salmon camp where I go each fall on the Miramichi River in New Brunswick, Canada. I have attached a picture. I could not be happier with the outcome of the surgery. Thank you, thank you!"

"Six months after Reverse Prosthesis for left nonunion of proximal humerus fracture in a 82 year old woman with prior lower extremity amputation 40 years ago. The operation allowed her to become ambulatory with crutches, which had been her level of function prior to her shoulder fracture. She has not pain and can put her hand on top of her head."

"Dear Dr. Higgins,
It is the one year anniversary of my right shoulder surgery in which you told me that you could get me 'little movement' of my shoulder but you could get rid of the pain.
You gave me much, much more.
My right arm performs tasks as well as my left and I have no limitations. You gave me back my life and there are no words that I can say that would fully explain how grateful I am.
You are an amazing Doctor and I am so glad you were my surgeon.
I thank you from my heart."

Attached please find the picture you requested illustrating pain free motion in all directions. I actually resumed a very reserved version of these movements only three and a half months after surgery (6-11-19).
Many thanks once again to Dr. Warner and his team."