Instability Repair
Information about Shoulder Instability
Post-Operative Information:
- Arthroscopic Anterior Stabilization
- Open Anterior Stabilization
- Latarjet- Anterior Stabilization
- Posterior and Posterior-Inferior Capsular Shift
- SLAP II & IV and Complex Arthroscopic Labral Repair
“Thanks for putting me back together again!”
– O.L. (After Latarjet procedure)
“Dr. Warner, I wanted to send you a clip of my wakeboarding from this past Labor Day weekend. My left shoulder is feeling better than ever all thanks to you and my physical therapist. I also recently played hockey this past Tuesday for the first time since the surgery and again it was feeling awesome! Feels great coming back 5-6 months later doing what I love! THANKS A LOT!!
– R.C. (6 months after Latarjet procedure)

"I've been working out very hard and I'm starting to feel really good on my bike again. I'll be sure to get you some pictures of that soon. My Trainer has been putting me through the mill including me pushing his car up and down the parking lot at the gym."

"Thanks Doc."

"I'm back swinging."

"It’s been nine good years since my surgery."

"Flying High"

"I have returned to all my activities and am so much better than before and the many years of protecting it. I’ve attached a picture from my Extreme Fit class that I thought you’d get a kick out of."

"After my labral tear repair surgery in April 2018, I had a successful trip to Mallorca, Spain in Nov 2019 to check off my bucket list item of deep water soloing over the Mediterranean."