Fracture Repair
Information about Proximal Humerus Fractures
“December 2013 I was thrown from a horse onto icy ground! Riding again seemed remote. Here I am, December 2014, mounting the culprit (although NOT the EXACT one!) that caused my horrific accident.
If you love something, and it is LIFE to you— that should be the inspiration to work your hardest in order to continue your passion.
Of course in my case, having the BEST surgeon was instrumental!!! Thank you Dr. Warner!”
– S.O. (One year after open reduction internal fixation for proximal humerus fracture.)
Initial Imaging:
Post-op Imaging:
“Happily swimming post clavicle plate surgery. Thank you Dr Warner I am forever grateful.”
-C.B. (Post-Clavicle Fracture)
“Skiing with the kids…I had to move FAST…all worked out fine…Thanks for the go ahead!”
– C.W. (52 year old man, 3 years post-hemiarthroplasty for proximal humerus fracture malunion with avascular necrosis)
The hemiarthroplasty is converted without removal of the stem into a reverse prosthesis 1 and a half years after the original surgery. She now rates her shoulder as 95% of normal and can use it for all daily activities without any pain.
She only lacks internal rotation and this is a consequence of the reverse prosthesis geometry and the poor function of the rotator cuff in the front of the shoulder (subscapularis).
7 years after her left shoulder surgery she is very happy with no pain and a subjective shoulder value of 95%. She returned for treatment of her right shoulder, which now has arthritis and is painful with limited motion.
- L.O. (70 year old woman, 7 years following conversion to reverse total shoulder replacement after failed hemiarthroplasty for proximal humerus fracture)

"I can ski again and am looking forward to golf and wind surfing when the weather gets warmer. I can also lift my luggage into the overhead when I travel on a plane
My pain level is 0-1 (0-10 scale) and my subjective shoulder value is 80% (100% is normal). I am very happy with the outcome."

"I am back racing competitively and plan to campaign my boat next season. I have included a picture taken during a particular stressful time racing while at the tiller which required all of my strength in my left arm to keep the boat from broaching...Thank you again for allowing me to return to my favorite sport at a competitive level!"

"Forever in your debt."

"My left shoulder is as good as normal since you fixed my fractured glenoid"

"Hanging out with some friends"

"...back home in my garden. Thanks so much."

"Back to Triathalons"

"(I am) the firefighter who fell through a floor a couple years ago. I was amazed by the procedure and remain grateful to you. My arm is incredibly strong and works at close to 100%...Thank you again. "